June 3, 2013

I’ve been eyeing a recipe for vegetarian enchiladas from my Tassajara cookbook
for a while now, and this past week when I saw this picture from a friend, I knew I had to get my butt in gear and make a huge batch of enchiladas to enjoy now and later. Of course, right before I embarked upon my mission, I had to see this recipe for enchiladas with a carrot sofrito, and out the door went my simple enchiladas filled with potatoes, carrots, and kale, and all sorts of new fillings started dancing about in my head. One might say the enchilada stars had aligned, and thus this recipe was born. (more…)
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Dairy free, Dinner, Gluten free, Mexican, Prep for Later Use, Vegan, Vegetarian by Courtney
October 9, 2012

I remember the first time I saw a version of this salad posted on theKitchn. It looked so tasty that I had to A) figure out what it was (because it was in a generic post and didn’t link to the recipe), and B) make and consume it right away. A quick google image search helped me confirm the ingredients, and off to my garden I went to harvest some kale.
Yes, during some seasons I’m lucky enough to not only have the kale growing in my backyard, but avocados growing in the front. And the other ingredients – cannellini, dried apricots, parmesan, and vinaigrette – are staples in my house. Even when these items are not in season, a quick stop by the store, 5 – 10 minutes of prep time, and I’m eating this hearty, healthy salad in no time. (more…)
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Dairy free, Gluten free, Quick and Easy, Salad, Vegan, Vegetarian by Courtney
June 6, 2012

A couple of weekends ago, I had a friend mention offhand to me that she tried making my green juice, and it didn’t turn out as she expected (that was her nice way of saying it wasn’t so good). She had seen a Daily Nosh lunch posting and decided to put those exact same items through her juicer, but with less than stellar results. (more…)
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Dairy free, Drink Time, Gluten free, Vegan, Vegetarian by Courtney
June 5, 2011

My first crop of kale finally came in (from the Red Russian plant) and while I had anticipated making something summery, like the Kale and Ricotta Salata Salad, it’s been so cool and rainy here that I decided to instead do a favorite that I never got around to this past winter (has winter really passed given that it’s been 60 and rainy?). I stumbled upon this recipe for Braised Lacitano Kale with Tomato and Anchovy Soffritto in the A16 cookbook, and it was the first way I ever made kale. I fell in love and didn’t branch out trying other recipes for quite a while.
This is the perfect meal for a chilly night. It feels somewhat healthy, but it’s hearty at the same time and will be sure to fill you up. (more…)
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Comfort food, Dinner, Gluten free, In the Garden, Italian, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wine pairings by Courtney
January 8, 2011

Earlier this week, while persuing the Kitchn, I stumbled upon this recipe for Kale and Ricotta Salata Salad. I must have been craving greens that day, because immediately upon seeing the picture, the first thought to cross my mind was “MUST MAKE!!!” (you can also insert a drooly face here). So I popped over to Kim Severson’s site to get the recipe, and off to the store I went to procure the ingredients. (more…)
Filed under:
Dinner, Gluten free, Salad, Vegetarian by Courtney