March 6, 2014
Plus red rice and a side of broccoli.
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Dinner, Lunch by Courtney
March 5, 2014
This one really warrants two pictures thanks to the perfectly cooked 63° egg I topped my avocado with.
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Lunch, Salad by Courtney
March 2, 2014
Not meaning I’m on a date, but a shake made with dates, almond milk, and coconut milk vanilla ice cream. Addictive!
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Drink time by Courtney
March 1, 2014
Buffalo hanger steak and duck fat baked string potatoes.
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Dinner by Courtney
February 27, 2014
One cucumber, two apples, two pears, two lemons, and a handful of mint. Refreshing!
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Drink time by Courtney